14.05.2004 00:00

18. světový kongres tanečního výzkumu

Ve dnech 3.-7. listopadu 2004 proběhne v řeckém Argu 18. světový kongres tanečního výzkumu. Jedná se o největší světovou akci odborníků na tanec, minulý rok se jí účastnilo přes 400 specialistů. Prezenotvány budou všechny formy tance. Kongres je pořádán řeckou organizací IOFA a Mezinárodní taneční radou CID-Unesco. Zprávy a informace o svých přednáškách, výzkumu, představeních a výstavách posílejte do 15.září. Je možné je v rámci kongresu též prezentovat. Program zahrnuje:

  • Prezentace a diskuse o výzumu
  • Ukázkové hodiny, videoprojekce, diskuse
  • Představení vybraných tanečních divadel
  • Výstava a prodej knih, nahrávek, obrázků, kostýmů...
  • Tanec v podání folklórních skupin
  • Návštěvy zajímavých míst jako taneční školy, muzea, soubory...

Congress Secretariat: Dance Theater "Dora Stratou", Scholiou 8, Plaka, GR-10558 Athens, Greece;
tel. (30)210.324.6188, fax (30)210.324.6921

18th World Congress on Dance Research


Argos, Greece, 3-7 November 2004


    This is the largest gathering of dance specialists world-wide, the best opportunity to showcase one's work to a select audience of professionals, scholars and organizers. Last year more than 400 specialists from 40 countries of the 5 continents had registered.

    All forms of dance are represented.

    There are no invited speakers or observers.

    Strictly non-profit - none of the organizers receives a fee.


   The 18th annual Congress on Dance Research is jointly organized by IOFA Greece and the International Dance Council CID-UNESCO, in collaboration with the Municipality of Argos and the national Greek Dances Theatre "Dora Stratou". It is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education. The Minister of Education has accepted to open the Congress.



The program includes:

-  Presentation and discussion of original research reports.

-  Lecture-demonstrations, classes, video projections, discussions.

-  Performances by selected dance companies.

-  Teaching of dances encountered during field research.

-  Exhibitions and sales of books, records, pictures, costumes, accessories etc.

-  Groups of villagers executing their own dances.

-  Visits to places of special interest, such as dance schools, museums, ensembles etc.

-  Evenings where congress participants dance with music by local musicians.


    While intended primarily for professionals, it is at the same time a participatory event, facilitating contacts with colleagues, informal discussions and individual initiative. Working languages are English and Greek.


    Research reports, proposals for lectures, classes, performances or exhibitions must be sent before 15 September 2004 for reviewing by the Scientific Committee. Presenting a report, a lecture-demonstration or a performance is optional.


Congress Secretariat: Dance Theater "Dora Stratou", Scholiou 8, Plaka, GR-10558 Athens, Greece; tel. (30)210.324.6188, fax (30)210.324.6921

www.grdance.org            mail@grdance.org                     www.cid-unesco.org             president@cid-unesco.org




               Information for World Congress participants






Registered participants receive a confirmation letter which can be used to obtain financing and/or visa. Upon check-in conferees receive their badge (to wear at all times), a folder containing the detailed program, the proceedings and other information material. Payment of CID membership fee (55 euros) and Congress registration (60 euros, students 30 euros) can be made by check or bank transfer. No other fee is charged.



For a physical demonstration of a dance or a teaching technique, time allowed is 30 minutes.



A lecture-demonstration can include film, video or slides projection, with or without oral commentary by the presenter. Presenters use the language of their choice, without translation. Time allowed is 30 minutes. Please submit details: title, short accompanying text, duration, name and address of presenter, equipment required.



Individuals or ensembles can ask for time (20 minutes) for a performance on stage.



Publications, productions and other material can be exhibited or sold. The organizers assist exhibitors but do not assume responsibility. Please specify minimum wall and floor space required.



Send the complete text (by diskette or email, as well as in printed form) before 15 September 2004 to be reviewed and included in the proceedings. The proceedings are published as a book or CD-ROM before the Congress and will be available to participants free of charge. Reports must be up to 5,000 words, including: title, name of author, text divided into numbered sections: abstract, introduction, sub-sections, notes, references, short presentation of the author. Save your text as "Plain text format"; for symbols other than the alphabet, pictures or tables please consult us. Each author is allowed 30 minutes for brief oral comments (not reading the printed text), including time for questions by the audience.

Research papers submitted may have as topics:

-  Research conducted according to scientific methodology (ethnographic, sociological, historical, pedagogical, psychological, medical etc.)

-  Presentation of unpublished information on dance as related to other topics such as music, costume, theater etc.

-  Organizational, artistic, social, scientific, educational, economic and other approaches based on documented proposals.

-  The dilemma: Fidelity to historical truth or novelty?



Presentation of reports, lecture-demonstrations, exhibitions and video projections take place at 9.30-15.30 hours. Dance performances or classes take place every evening at 18.30-23.00 hours, then participants usually dance with live music.



We advise you to book a flight to Athens on Tuesday 3 November. Hotel accommodation can be arranged by the official travel agency at reduced prices: approximately 20 euros a day (in double-bed room) or 25 euros (single-bed room). Argos is a historical town with many important sites, 90 minutes drive to the south of Athens.




President's Office
International Dance Council - CID, UNESCO, Paris






Autor článku: redakce