26.01.2005 00:00

7. Mezinárodní choreografická platforma v portugalské Almadě

V portugalské Almadě se bude od 9. do 13. listopadu 2005 konat 7. ročník Mezinárodní choreografické platformy. Ta je součástí programu XIII. Almada Dance Festival.

Platformy se mohou zúčastnit choreografové a taneční soubory z celého světa. Přihlášky je třeba podat do 16. března. Výběrová komise rozhodne o účastnících do 20. dubna.

K přihlášce musí být přiložena video nahrávka s maximálně dvaceti minutovou ukázkou z představení určeného pro festival, video s dalšími vlastními projekty (ve formátu WHS nebo DVD), životopis choreografa a popis a forografie dosavadního díla.


XIII Almada Dance Festival

October/November 2005




Almada, Portugal

9/13 November, 2005



Individual choreographers or dance companies are welcome to submit their projects to be presented in the International Platform for Choreographers.

The dead line for submission of proposals is March 16.

The Selection Board will decide on the selected projects until April 20.



1. Conditions offered by the organisation:


  • The organisation will promote the event, being responsible for the programming and divulgation of the performances.
  • The organisation will provide theatre facilities and the necessary technicians. For set site specific presentations each case will be addressed individually. The theatre stage for the performances has an area of around 9m x 8m.
  • There may be limitations in light effects, though all basic lighting in the stage will be assured. A maximum of 10 light queues will be programmed for each piece.
  • Though proposals may include any number of performers, the organisation will cover only the 4 days of the Platform of lodging and meals for performers and choreographer of selected pieces, up to a total of 4 people per proposal (For participants from outside the Lisbon Metropolitan area).
  • The organisation will not cover other expenses, such as travel expenses, transportation, insurances or copyrights.
  • The dates of each presentation will be set after the selection is finished, during the period 9/13 Novenber 2004. Choreographers will be informed of the exact date of their performance as soon as possible.
  • The selected projects may be offered the possibility of performing in other Portuguese towns.
  • The organisation will invite the choreographers to all the different performances, events, debates, conferences and special sessions.



2. Presentation of proposals:


Proposals must be:

·         Presented by individual choreographers or dance companies.

·         Accompanied by the form provided by the organisation.

·         Not exceeding 20'. Longer works must be adapted to meet this time limitation.

·         Accompanied by a video recording of the complete work (on stage or in studio). Each video tape must have only the proposed piece. The tape must be in VHS format or DVD.

·         Mentioning all the required material for the presentation, specifying if any special equipment is necessary.

·         Accompanied by a brief biography (150 words) of the choreographer.

·         Accompanied by a brief text (100 words) about the work.

·         Accompanied by one photo of the work (digital or paper support)

·         Indicating if the work is to be presented on a formal space (theatre stage), or set specific (outside or in the theatre hall)



Proposals may be:

·         Submitted in Portuguese, English, French, or Spanish.

·         Accompanied by any documents considered important for the appreciation of the project.


Proposals or information requests should be sent to:


Almada Dance Festival

International Platform

Praceta Francisco Vieira de Almeida, 1 r/c

2800-406 Almada             Portugal

phone: + 351 21 258 3175  fax: + 351 21 250 0524

e-mail: quinzena@cdanca-almada.pt





3. Selection of proposals:

The Selection Board will select the proposals based on: 


·                     Possibility of presentation in terms of technical requirements

·                     Originality and quality of the project

·                     Quality of the performance


The Selection Board may impose time or space restrictions to the presentation of selected projects. The organisation will not accept pieces that have already been presented in previous editions of this platform, but encourages choreographers that have previously participated to apply again with new works.


Autor článku: redakce