18.11.2005 00:00

Artists in context – program na podporu mobility mladých umělců

Nevládní organizace Pépinieres européennes pour jeunes artistes nabízí již po šesté program na podporu mobility pro tvůrčí mladé umělce ve věku 18-25 let. Podpořeni budou tvůrci v oblasti výtvarného umění, multimédií, fotografie, sochařství, designu, choreografie, videa, performance, hudby, divadla, pouličního umění, cirkusu, psaní... Přihlášky zasílejte do 7. prosince 2005.

(Původní zpráva)

launching of the 6th programme
artists in context
call for application

artists in context programme
mobility programme to support the young creators from 18 to 25 on the European art scene

presented by the
Pépinieres européennes pour jeunes artistes

The Pépinieres européennes pour jeunes artistes launch the 6th artists in context programme. Developed in the framework of the European Voluntary Service, this mobility programme is created for young creators who invent new forms of artistic expression in the relation to others.

For this 6th edition the artists in context programme intends conjugating artistic excellence and creative innovation by inviting the artists to commit themselves in an ambitious project:

· in established institutions like the Compagnie Songes, involved in the Dance Biennale of Lyon in France, or like Raumars in Finland or the Hotel Mariakapel in the Netherlands;

· inside young art centres in Malta, Slovenia or Slovakia, current drives of contemporary creation in their countries;

· in creation sites far from the usual circuits, offering new fields of experience to discover.

In these unexpected locations where authentic human relations can be experienced, the young artists are expected to find possible new forms of artistic commitment.

17 young European artists for

14 creation sites in

10 European countries

propositions open to all fields of creative expression visual arts, multimedia, photography, sculpture, design, choreography, video, performance, music, theatre, writing…

deadline for submission: December 7th 2005

information and application forms available on: www.art4eu.net


Patrice Bonnaffé
general delegate

Pénélope Gaillard - pgaillard@art4eu.net  
in charge of the programme

Pépinieres européennes pour jeunes artistes
adresse: 9-11 rue Paul Leplat / BP 13 - 78164 Marly le Roi cedex
tel.: 01 39 17 11 00 fax 01 39 17 11 09
web: www.art4eu.net

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Autor článku: bulletin ProCulture