21.03.2005 00:00

Kurz divadelní kritiky na Maltě

Anti-teoretický kurz divadelní kritiky, který povede viceprezidentka Mezinárodní asociace divadelních kritiků Kalina Stefanova, je kombinací přednášek, seminářů a workshopů. Přednášky představí některé modely světové divadelní kritiky. Semináře budou zaměřeny na nejkontroverznější a aktuální témata současné divadelní kritiky. Workshopy kreativního psaní se budou vztahovat k představení, které účastníci navštíví v St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity a Manoel Theatre ve Vallettě na Maltě, které bylo založeno roku 1732.

Akce se koná od 7. do 13. dubna 2005.

Původní zpráva:

St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity in Malta in affiliation with the University of Malta


An anti-theoretical course on theatre criticism

April 7 - 13, 2005

The course will be a mixture of lectures, seminars and workshops. The lectures will introduce some of the world models of theatre criticism. The seminars will focus on the most controversial and topical issues of theatre criticism today. The workshops-the emphasis of the course-will be on creative writing of theatre criticism based on performances that participants will attend at the St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity and the magnificent Manoel Theatre (in existence since 1732).

Venue: St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity, Valletta.

The course will be conducted by Dr. Kalina Stefanova, Vice President of the International Association of Theatre Critics and Associate Professor of Theatre Criticism, National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria. Dr. Stefanova is author/editor of ten books on theatre and criticism, three of which in English, published by Harwood Academic Publishers and launched in New York and London (Who Calls the Shots on the New York Stages?, Eastern European Theatre After the Iron Curtain, and Who Keeps the Score on the London Stages?). She has publications in 17 languages in 19 countries. She has been a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at New York University for two years and a Visiting Scholar at the University of Cape Town. She has delivered lectures and lead seminars on theatre criticism in eight countries.

For further info: info@sjcav.org

Kalina Stefanova, Ph.D
Sofia 1000
tel.: 3592 981 20 75
fax: 3592 986 32 62
e-mail: kalina@aster.net  

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