22.04.2005 00:00

Mezinárodní divadelní festival XXV Jelenia Gora Theatre Meetings v Polsku

Jelenia Gora Theatre v Polsku pořádá tento rok v listopadu mezinárodní divadelní festival XXV Jelenia Gora Theatre Meetings. Oproti minulým ročníkům se změnil v tom, že je otevřený divadelníkům z Polska, České republiky a Německa. Zároveň vzniká i nová sekce Debuits, v rámci které se budou moci z každého státu prezentovat dva mladí, neotřelí a originální režiséři. Podmínkou je, aby na profesionální divadelní scénu nevstoupili dříve než před pěti lety.

Bližší informace k festivalu sdělí Joanna Wichowska - literary director of Jelenia Gora Theatre
Tel.: +48 75 64 28 125
E-mail: kierlit@teatr.jgora.pl

Původní zpráva:

I would like to let you know about our plans concerning the INTERNATIONAL THEATRE FESTIVAL - XXV JELENIA GORA THEATRE MEETINGS that we are going to realize in November.

This year the formula of the Festival will change. This is going to be the first time the Festival will consists of the performances from three countries: POLAND, CHECK REPUBLIC and GERMANY. We will also include into our Festival the new part, called "DEBIUTS" – in form of the competition. So besides the performances by “masters” we want to introduce to the audience the most fresh, original productions by young directors - two of them from each of the countries listed above. By “young” I mean those of them who started their theatre work not earlier then (more or less) five years ago. And the productions should be also new what means – performed not longer then over the last three theatre-seasons.

In addition to the performances presentations we want to find new theatre plays which have not been translated into Polish yet. They would be presented to the audience in form of reading rehearsals.

We know the choice will be not easy and we are aware that we will definitely need some help from the people who are familiar with the “theatre life” in Check Republic and Germany. This is the reason I write to you with big request. If you would be so kind and give us some advices concerning the new productions and plays / young directors and playwrights we would be extremely grateful. We would appreciate any advice / indication / knowledge / explanation you would like to chare with us.

And if you are interested in our Festival and need more details about that – please let me know.

I would be very glad to write you more and to get any response from you.

Looking forward to hear from you

Best regards

Joanna Wichowska – literary director of Jelenia Gora Theatre

Tel: +48 75 64 28 125

Autor článku: redakce