26.08.2004 00:00

Taneční přehlídka Resolution! v Londýně hledá soubory

Taneční přehlídka Resolution! se bude konat v lednu a únoru 2005 v Londýně. Je součástí projektu pořádaného sítí tanečních souborů Aerowaves. Vybízí k účasti taneční soubory z Evropy, hradí všechny výdaje pro vybrané soubory, ale nenabízí honorář. Soubory mají zaslat přihlášku spolu s videokazetou obashující prezentaci představení. Bbude vybráno 10 souborů pro přehlídku v Londýně, ale hlavním smyslem akce je seznámit evropskou odbornou veřejnost s činností souboru (účastní se dramturgové z Amsterodamu, Madridu, Dublinu i odjinud). 

Uzávěrka: 13.9.


Call for applications - shorter dance works

RESOLUTION! is The Place's New Year open season for shorter dance works. One hundred companies are presented over six weeks in nightly changing triple bills. Aerowaves is a series within RESOLUTION! that makes it possible for artists from elsewhere in Europe to show their work for the first time in London.

Aerowaves is a network that has partners in 30 different European countries. Dance companies that have yet to perform extensively beyond their own borders are urged by these partners to submit an application, accompanied by a video of the work proposed for presentation. These are assessed at an annual meeting of all the partners, and ten are selected for London. Each appears alongside two UK companies at weekends during RESOLUTION! in January or February 2005. All expenses are paid but no fees are available.

Some companies not selected for London nevertheless benefit from Aerowaves application. Since their work has been introduced to dance specialists from all over Europe, they may find themselves invited to appear in associated programmes in Amsterdam, Dublin, Madrid or elsewhere.

Artists making their London debut in Aerowaves have included Tero Saarinen, Nanine Linning, Willi Dorner and Xavier Le Roy.

See The Place's website for full details of eligibility, application form and procedure, selection process and criteria for selection. www.theplace.org.uk
To find Aerowaves, click on create dance -> research & performance opportunities -> performing at the place -> aerowaves

Enquiries: aerowaves@theplace.org.uk

DEADLINE: 13th September 2004

Autor článku: redakce